Japan Day 2 – Sho me the mackerel!

One day down…and not much sleep! What to do with the new day? The coolest person I met the night before was a girl called Hannah and we decided to hit Harajuku known from Gwen Stefani fame – “Harajuku” Girls! The first thing we found was Meiji park. A nice peaceful park in the centrew of Tokyo’s hecticity….

Harajuku was mainly a shopping playground for the rich though. It was full of Dolce and Gabanna, Ralph Lauren and all that Jazz…. and one shop in particular that was very high class!

This shopping centre had the best entrance i’ve ever seen and also an outrageously busy crossing right outside it:

Not as busy as this next crossing which is supposedly one of the busiest in the world. It’s an intersection just outside Shibuya station where 6 roads meet, right in the heart of Tokyo. It wasn’t the busiest of days but when the lights changed a throng of people charged across the road from all directions!

After all the excitement of the shops we were getting hungry and so we decided to head to a place just down the metro line called Shimo-kitazawa. It had been recommended to us by a few people due to it’s more low rise feel, smaller and older streets and it’s 2nd hand retro clothing scene. Once we were there we were getting a hunger on but didn’t know where to choose from a plethora of places. I heard a couple of American girls speaking Japanese so I thought I’d ask them for some local knowledge. One of them was a massive Pokemon fan and had just secured some rare antique Pokemon, so was very happy! They eagerly guided us to a small place round the corner which we would never have chosen ourselves and recommended the mackerel…. We went in, sat down and were introduced to Sho, their only English speaking staff member. He was a really sound guy and we were happy for him just to order for us whatever he recommended. I did ask for the mackerel though! First came out an interesting salad style appetiser which was really good….but then came the Mackerel. Oh my god! They bought it out on a small platter, blowtorch and lemon in hand. They blowtorched in front of us whilst applying the lemon. This was undeniably the greatest tasting mackerel dish, maybe just fish dish, I have ever had in my life. I don’t know what they had done with it, maybe laced it with some magical intoxicating drug, but it was to die for. I should have ordered another 4. Wow. With the mackerel only just started they brought out the next dish…. a sashimi platter. This was also amazing. Damn I love what Japanese do to fish! At the same time as we were eating we obviously had to try all the different local alcohol selection. I can’t remember how many different types of local drinks we had but Sho had a knack for choosing the right drink for me and the right drink for Hannah. Aloe flavours, coffee, plum, other fruits that are beginning to escape my memory….along with my drink of the moment, whiskey, and some delicious Sake. This was a meal to remember! All the food was great, the drinks flowed, I had wicked company and a waiter who was cool! We must have been in there for about 6 hours but it was time well spent and won’t be forgotten any time soon. It’s fare to say I blew a stack load of money, but it was worth it 🙂

Sho gave us a great send off as we left and invited us to spend some time with him the next day….. We made our way back to the hostel, more than just a little smashed. I thought that was gonna be the end of the evening but the peeps at the hostel and my screwed up jet lag had other ideas. We ended up starting a bottle of Whiskey, watching a horrendously bad DVD and then whiling the hours away talking. Still no sleep, well, only 3 hours that night….

Japan Day 1 – The Golden Turd

Well this is it….. the Golden Turd!

Any ideas? Answers on a postcard please! Well it was the first thing I saw after leaving the safety of the metro system!

Someone told me it was supposed to be the head of a beer because it’s on top of the Asahi building. What an intro….

      It’s in a bit more context here…

Well after having no sleep on the plane (I tried to no avail) I thought I should have a nice cultural walk. Check me out! Cultural. I love it really 🙂

You may have temple and statue blindness by the end of this blog!

So yeah I managed to have a productive afternoon!

The weirdest thing i saw that afternoon was the BABY SUMO. Yep you got it, 2 babies having a scrap…. well not really…. but it was a little weird. Parents line up with their kids to give them to 2 sumo wrestlers. Then the sumo fellas shake the babies up and down and the baby who cries the most wins! There was a massive queue of parents too! A not so secret sadist cult….

I thought the day may be a let down after this pinnacle of excitement but no.After returning to the hostel I was determined to laugh off my jet lag and stay up so I hit Shinjuku! Shinjuku is one of many places you go to shop until you drop with shopping malls 10 stories high, arcades with games galore and food places a plenty! I just wandered around soaking up the atmosphere: watching the sights, hearing the sounds and soaking up the smells. This is the only pic I took of shinjuku and it’s rubbish…. I was quite tired at this point.

Back to the hostel again after nearly falling asleep standing up on the metro and I thought that that would be that.

But no! Loads of people were up and milling about at the hostel so I thought I should make some friends. There was a good mix of nationalities there with quite a few younguns… just making me feel old. We went to the hostel’s bar with our free drinks tokens and the party started. We ended up trawling a few bars and then ultimately at a nightclub called Stella! What a name….. The club was seemingly boring until us lot turned up. On our bar crawl we managed to swell into a group of about 10 or so so when we got there we turned the place upside down! One girl we were with fell out of the club, split her lip and chipped a tooth….ouch!

By the time we got back it was about 730am….

A good night and a good start to my journey!

Plane sailing

I managed the most vital step of my trip. Getting to the airport on time! A good start by all accounts. I did stitch myself up though by not reading my pre-flight details. Only one bag in the hold! WHAT? “Fine” I thought til I got to the customs and I had all my liquids in the bag I thought was going in the hold! Goodbye deodorant, shower gel, shampoo and drinks that I had just bought 30secs beforehand.

Ah well….Plenty of time to get to my plane or so I thought until I nearly missed my plane because I had to buy a camera in duty free. Also no-one told me you had to catch a train in order to get to my gate! Cutting it fine.

So i took a picture of my plane. Er… It wasn’t my plane…. I walked onto a different one. 🙂 At least my camera worked.

The flight was fine but I wish i’d have had the seat next to me. The seat for the girl sitting next to me didn’t work and she got an upgrade to first class! She was so happy….lucky ****


Coming next: The golden turd.


Hello to anyone who can be bothered to read this!!

Well I’ve taken Charlie’s advice and decided to post a blog to let you know how I’m going on my travels! I was very sad to leave you all back in the UK….. but obviously not that sad because I’ve left anyway! 🙂

Things had got to the point where I had to change something in my life and so a nice little holiday and a change in country of residence should do the job. I hope you check back every now and then to see what I’ve written…. it’ll most probably be jumbled garbage with the odd picture here and there. Once I leave Japan the frequency and quality will probably drop, until things in NZ pick up…..so yeah….rubbish! But it will provide me with something to do when I’m bored!

Please feel free to email or leave comments…you should know how you technically enhanced friends of mine… er…but not about the style or layout, it only took me 20mins and you can probably tell 😉 For anyone who doesn’t know, the little character on the left is a shyguy….where I got the name from (before anyone asks about either the name or the character!) You’ll just have to figure out the “b”

I hope to hear from you soon,


Much love